pray, plead call upon for help, answer

A Conversation With Jesus About His Prophetic Utterance Part 13 – Pray

By Andrew Williams – September 2, 2022

Let him who is on the housetop not go down into the house nor go inside to take anything out of his house; And let him who is in the field not turn back again to get his mantle (cloak). And alas for those who are pregnant and for those who have nursing babies in those days! Pray that it may not occur in winter,
Mark 13:15‭-‬18 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

What God has predicted, will come to pass!

In the case of persecution and destruction, there are some things that we need to be mindful of.

1. It can happen at any time of day.

2. It can happen when we are located in diverse places.

3. It can happen in any season.

4. It can happen at any stage of our lives. And,

5. We need to be careful how we act when destruction arrives.

Jesus continues to warn the disciples about what will happen. His advice is that we focus on what is important.

The things we own or possess are not important at that time. We should therefore not try to save them at the expense of our lives or the lives of our loved ones. Certain persons may find the time of destruction more distressing, such as the elderly or the pregnant.

My question to you today is this: ” How will you respond when you are faced with calamity?”

Prayer: Father God, help us to be wise! We know that the end is coming and that destruction is around the corner. Help us to prepare for it. Even if our preparation is not sufficient, help us to act wisely.

Father God, we put our focus on You. We seek You in all things, surrender to You in all things, and submit to You. We look to You to save us in these trying times. Amen.

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