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A conversation with Jesus about His Anointing Part 4

By Andrew Williams – September 20, 2022

A conversation with Jesus about His Anointing Part 4

And surely I tell you, wherever the good news (the Gospel) is proclaimed in the entire world, what she has done will be told in memory of her. Mark 14:9 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Goh Deh prafit Jizas! Prophesy!

This prophecy has been fulfilled and continues to be fulfilled!

What this woman has done is truly one of the most loved stories about Your life here on earth. As we continue to proclaim the gospel throughout the world, we continue to speak of this woman’s selfless act to honor You before Your death.

Thank You for explaining to us the true purpose of her pouring this expensive oil upon Your head. We thank You God for placing this desire and this thought in her, and for her obedience to Your leading.

What are you doing for the Lord?

Will people continue to speak about you for many generations to come?

Will God speak about you and the things that you are currently doing for Him?

Prayer: Father God, I want to be remembered in this world for the things that I have done and will be doing for You and Your Kingdom. Amen.

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