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A conversation with Jesus about His Anointing Part 3

By Andrew Williams – September 19, 2022

A conversation with Jesus about His Anointing Part 3

For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you wish you can do good to them; but you will not always have Me. [Deut. 15:11.] She has done what she could; she came beforehand to anoint My body for the burial. Mark 14:7‭-‬8 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Where is your focus? Is it on God who can provide everything to those in need or, do you take it off God to focus on those who are in need?

Some persons don’t see the difference, but the difference is profound. When we focus on God, we honor Him as our God but, when we focus on those in need {instead of God} we make them our gods instead. That is idol worship!

Jesus made somethings very clear:

1. The POOR would ALWAYS be around,

2. JESUS would NOT be around always,

3. THEY could do good to the poor ANYTIME they wished, and

4. THEY couldn’t do good to Him ANYTIME they wished.

In regard to the woman, Jesus says, “She has done what she could; she came beforehand to anoint My body for the burial.”

She has done what she could! This could mean that:

1. This is all she could do, or

2. She could do better but based on the situation she limited herself.

I believe it was a latter, because based on the purpose of her anointing Him, it would have taken many spices and lots of perfume to anoint His body.


1 thought on “A conversation with Jesus about His Anointing Part 3”

  1. Like many of us having an experience with Jesus sets the tone for our ministry. By serving Jesus, He will grant us the willingness to serve others as we go.

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