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A conversation with Jesus about His Anointing Part 2

By Andrew Williams – September 18, 2022

A conversation with Jesus about His Anointing Part 2

But Jesus said, Let her alone; why are you troubling her? She has done a good and beautiful thing to Me [praiseworthy and noble].
Mark 14:6 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

The critics did have a good point. The ointment could have been sold for much money which could be used to aid the poor. However, we need to look at this lady’s reason for doing this to Jesus.

Some persons could only see this expensive ointment flowing unto the ground off of Jesus as a waste. What they could not see or did not see was that the woman was anointing Jesus. They could not see that she was expressing her overwhelming love and devotion to Him in this way to honor Him as her Lord.

Jesus, however, saw the intent of her heart. Jesus saw the purpose of her anointing His head with this expensive oil. And Jesus defended her for this great honor that she bestowed on Him.

Jesus said, “Let her alone; why are you troubling her? She has done a good and beautiful thing to Me [praiseworthy and noble].”

Are you doing the things that are beautiful to God?

Are the things that you’re doing praiseworthy and noble?

Will God defend you for the actions that you have taken in regard to Him?

1 thought on “A conversation with Jesus about His Anointing Part 2”

  1. These questions lends itself for deep reflection as to how we do ministry.
    Whatever we do as God’s Stewards we do it unto Him.

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