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A conversation with Jesus about His Anointing Part 1

By Andrew Williams – September 17, 2022

A conversation with Jesus about His Anointing Part 1

And while He was in Bethany, [a guest] in the house of Simon the leper, as He was reclining [at table], a woman came with an alabaster jar of ointment (perfume) of pure nard, very costly and precious; and she broke the jar and poured [the perfume] over His head. But there were some who were moved with indignation and said to themselves, To what purpose was the ointment (perfume) thus wasted? For it was possible to have sold this [perfume] for more than 300 denarii [a laboring man’s wages for a year] and to have given [the money] to the poor. And they censured and reproved her. Mark 14:3‭-‬5 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

The actions of this woman is like a scene from a movie: there is no conversation and there is the music playing in the background that sets the scene. You know that something interesting is going to happen because of what she’s doing and you wait with bated breath to see what will happen next.

She had just anointed Jesus with one of the most precious and expensive things that she could find. It was a testament of the love, devotion and, honor that she felt for Jesus. Those who saw this expression playing out like slow motion in front of them now began to speak.

“To what purpose was the ointment (perfume) thus wasted? For it was possible to have sold this [perfume] for more than 300 denarii [a laboring man’s wages for a year] and to have given [the money] to the poor.”

Wow, they thought it was a waste to do something good for Jesus!

They thought that the best way to use this precious ointment was to sell it and give the money to the poor!

Isn’t this the way that many of us think today:

1. We should not give what is most expensive to the Lord. And,

2. The true way to show that we are religious is to give money or things to the poor {at the expense of neglecting to honor God}.

“And they censured and reproved her. “

-They criticized her sharply!

Isn’t this how we treat persons who have dedicated their lives fully to the Lord? It doesn’t matter whether we are Christians or whether we are sinners, the common thing is that we censure / reprove/criticize sharply those who choose to live their lives fully surrendered and committed to God.

Where do you fall in this story?

Are you the woman who is giving everything to honor the Lord? Or,

Are you one of the critics who would rather see God dishonored so that you can say that you are giving something to the poor?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You gave Your all so that this world could be saved. I will give my all to honor You. I will not hold back anything from You, and no matter what other persons think I will show my love and devotion in the most sacrificial ways possible. Amen.

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