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A Conversation With Jesus About Greatness – Part 1

By Andrew Williams – June 1, 2022

A Conversation With Jesus About Greatness – Part 1

And they arrived at Capernaum; and when [they were] in the house, He asked them, What were you discussing and arguing about on the road? But they kept still, for on the road they had discussed and disputed with one another as to who was the greatest. And He sat down and called the Twelve [apostles], and He said to them, If anyone desires to be first, he must be last of all, and servant of all. And He took a little child and put him in the center of their group; and taking him in [His] arms, He said to them, Whoever in My name and for My sake accepts and receives and welcomes one such child also accepts and receives and welcomes Me; and whoever so receives Me receives not only Me but Him Who sent Me.
Mark 9:33‭-‬37 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Are you like the disciples who spend time with God but you don’t really focus on Him in the time that you spend with Him? Are you so concerned about being better than the rest of your fellow disciples that you lose sight of God who is walking alongside you?

“And they arrived at Capernaum; and when [they were] in the house, He asked them, What were you discussing and arguing about on the road?”

Sometimes we get so caught up in our conversations that we forget who is nearby and who can hear us. God is always with us, so there is never a conversation that we have with others that He is not aware of. Sometimes the content of our conversations are not pleasing to God, and even though we are Disciples of Christ we don’t always act like persons who are changed.

We can still be self-centered, self-righteous, God denying and, God forsaking persons.

Imagine that you are in the presence of God, and you are arguing and disputing about something that you know is not pleasing to Him? God is right there, yet still you’re doing things that you know are not right! And when He asks you the question: “What are you arguing and disputing about”, how will you feel?

This is the situation that the disciples found themselves in. This is the situation that many of us are in! So my question to us today is this:”What are we going to start doing to not be ashamed to answer this question when God asks us?”

Prayer: Father God, I know that I am always in Your presence, and that your Holy Spirit lives within me. Everything I think, say or do, You know. Out of love and respect for You I will think, speak and, act in such a way that I can boldly answer Your question:
“What were you talking and arguing about in My presence?”

Right now, right here, I confess my sins of self-centeredness and disobedience to You. I repent! As of this moment I will focus on You, and doing the things that are pleasing in Your sight. I will slay self and live for You. Amen

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