divorce, separation, marriage breakup

A Conversation With Jesus About Divorce Part 7

By Andrew Williams – June 25, 2022

A Conversation With Jesus About Divorce Part 7

And if a woman dismisses (repudiates and divorces) her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.
Mark 10:12 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

“Is it lawful for a man to dismiss and repudiate and divorce his wife?” That is the question that we’ve been focusing on for this series. But in this last verse of the conversation on divorce we see that a woman can also divorce her husband.

Men and women are equal in marriage. They were once two separate beings but they become one flesh when united in marriage. They are united one with another the way that God has designed.

Jesus states that if the woman divorces her husband and remarries she commits adultery.

Both the man and the woman can bring about the divorce. Both of them end up committing adultery if they remarry. The only legal ground for a divorce is sexually morality.

Are you married or considering getting married?
Before you get married or before you think about leaving your partner, look to God and seek His will for your marriage. Maybe you are not living according to His will for your life, and as such, you’re unable to be the Godly husband or wife that God designed you to be.

Take some time to come into right standing with God and allow Him to change you so that you can be the best spouse that your partner requires.

Maybe your partner is not living for God the way he or she should. Petition God with all your heart for your partner to become the person that God wants him or her to be.

If you are not married as yet and God reveals to you that this person that you are with is not the person you should be married to, move on with your life.

If you are already married, whatever God tells you to do about your marriage, obey Him and leave all the consequences to Him!

Prayer: Father God, I still have so many questions. As I continue to ponder this topic of divorce, I humble myself before You and ask You to teach me Your ways. Help me to choose my spouse, wait, Father God YOU choose the right spouse for me so that what You join together let no man put asunder.

In this marriage that I am in, help me to be the person that will be the perfect spouse. Help me to serve You and to serve my partner the way that You require Father God. As we work together to make this marriage successful may we cleave permanently. Amen

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