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A Conversation with Jesus About Authority Part 4

By Andrew Williams – July 28, 2022

But [on the other hand] can we say, From men? For they were afraid of the people, because everybody considered and held John actually to be a prophet.
Mark 11:32 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Authority is defined as “the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.”

As we continue to look at this conversation we see that the chief priests and the Jewish leaders were not acting in the authority that they were given by God. They were debating among themselves what to say to Jesus. Today, we see them pondering the thought that the baptism of John was from man.

As God’s authorized leaders of the Jewish nation and the Jewish religion, they could use their authority to give orders, make decisions and, enforce obedience. But here we see them being afraid of the opinions of the people in this matter.

If you are a part of a kingdom in which you have been given authority by your master, why are you afraid of what people think? Shouldn’t you just exercise the authority that you have been given? Shouldn’t you know without a shadow of a doubt the persons who belong to the kingdom also?

They had the Lords forerunner and the Messiah in their midst, but they did not recognize them as such. Instead of accepting them, they spent their time arguing about and with them, instead of supporting them.

Are you an authorized Kingdom disciple?

Stop flip flopping, and just proclaim God’s truth!

1 thought on “A Conversation with Jesus About Authority Part 4”

  1. God ‘s authority is available to us, let us claim it and allow the Holy Spirit to work through us .

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