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A Conversation with Jesus About Authority Part 3

By Andrew Williams – July 27, 2022

And they reasoned and argued with one another, If we say, From heaven, He will say, Why then did you not believe him?
Mark 11:31 AMPC

Good morning fellow disciples.

Jesus and these leaders were all authorized by the same person, God almighty. Jesus’ question, “Was the baptism of John from heaven or from men?” was profound.

Authority is defined as “the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.”

Even though someone may have authority, it doesn’t mean that the persons that he has authority over will obey him. In this situation we see the Jewish leaders being placed in a position to show whether they are obedient to God’s authority.

They understood the question and the implication of Jesus’ question. As they looked at what it meant to say that John’s baptism was from heaven, they realized that Jesus would then put them on the spot by asking them, “Why then did you not believe, accept and, submit yourself to the baptism that John did?”

We have all been like this. We know that God is speaking to us but we choose not to obey Him. We know God’s Word but we choose not to obey it. We know God is speaking to us through other persons but we refuse to listen to them and to obey what God has said through them.

Take a good look at yourself! Take a good look at your religious leaders! Take a good look at the persons that you fellowship with!

When it comes to God’s Authority, do you, your leaders and, your fellowship spend your time discussing and contemplating what it means to answer questions pertaining to God’s delegated authority instead of just submitting to God’s authority?

We have become so religious in our approach to God that instead of submitting to Him and fellowshiping with Him, we instead rationalize everything and discuss the meanings and implications of His written and spoken Word.

When we behave like these Jewish religious leaders it shows others that we truly do not have abiding fellowship with God. We may have the positions of authority but we are lacking in the power that God gives.

Prayer: Father God, have I lost the authority and power that Jesus delegated to me because I am not yielded to Your Authority over me? Am I a disciple in name only? Am I ineffective because I spend my time focused on my position and role instead of being focused on You Almighty God?

Lord, help me to see myself as YOU SEE ME! Convict me Holy Spirit! I will do whatever it takes to submit to Your authority and then live as Your authorized servant. Amen

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