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A Beggar’s Conversation With Jesus Part 7

By Andrew Williams – July 2, 2022

A Beggar’s Conversation With Jesus Part 7

“Go your way,” Jesus told him. “Your faith has healed you.” Immediately he could see and began to follow Him on the road.
Mark 10:52 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Determined! Unashamed! Persistent! Full of faith!

These are words that describe the blind beggar by the name of Bartimaeus. Can these words be used to describe you?

What is your approach to God?
How do you converse with God?
How do you seek God?

We should learn from Bartimaeus how to approach God, how to seek God, how to speak to God, and how to respond to God’s voice.

Bartimaeus wanted to see! He asked Jesus to restore his sight. Hear Jesus’ response:“Your faith has healed you.”

How did Bartimaeus respond?
Immediately he could see and began to follow Him on the road.

Prayer: Lord God, I will persistently seek You until I hear you say: “Go; your faith [and confident trust in My power] has made you well.”

I will not give up in my desire to know You, to fellowship with You, to serve You, and follow You wholeheartedly. Like Bartimaeus, I will seek You until I find you, and then I will follow You full of rejoicing. Amen.

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