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A Beggar’s Conversation With Jesus Part 3

By Andrew Williams – June 28, 2022

A Beggar’s Conversation With Jesus Part 3

Many people told him to keep quiet, but he was crying out all the more, “Have mercy on me, Son of David! ”
Mark 10:48 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Sir, why are you shouting at God that way? Why are you undignified in your approach to God? Why don’t you keep quiet, don’t you see that you’re disturbing God?

We don’t want to hear you talking to God that way so please, be quiet!

Sometimes, Christians can be so cruel. They are blind, inconsiderate, and totally lacking in compassion. They see that you have a need but they don’t really understand that you NEED to have that need met.

They are so caught up with their time spent with God that they forget to spend time with you the way that God requires. God says that we should go and preach the gospel, heal the sick, deliver those who are held captive by the devil, and to make disciples.

In our zeal to be a part of a religious system we forget to be compassionate like Jesus. But guess what, blind Bartimaeus was on a mission! His mission was to meet Jesus and to be healed by Jesus!

What is your mission today?

Do you want to encounter God?
Do you want to be set free by God?
Do you want to be healed by God?
Do you want to live your life totally surrendered to God?

Do not let anyone stop you from completing your mission! Be more determined the more they try to stop you! Keep at it until you succeed!

Prayer: Father God, I need You, I need You, I need You! Now that I have the opportunity to come close to You, I will not let anyone or anything keep me from You!

I will not be ashamed, I will not be perturbed, I will not let thoughts, emotions, feelings, doubts, fears, or anything else keep me from knowing You and fellowshipping with You.

Have mercy on me, Jesus, Son of God! Thank You Jesus for making it possible for me to come into the presence of Almighty God. I love You, I love You, I love You! Amen

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