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A Beggar’s Conversation With Jesus Part 2

By Andrew Williams – June 27, 2022

A Beggar’s Conversation With Jesus Part 2

When he heard that it was Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out, “Son of David, Jesus, have mercy on me! ”
Mark 10:47 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

What is your response when you know that you are in the presence of God?

What is your response when you are in the presence of an anointed man or woman of God?

What do you do when you are so in need of something and the one person who is able to provide is passing you by?

This blind beggar by the name of Bartimaeus knew the reputation of Jesus: Jesus the teacher, Jesus the healer, Jesus the deliverer, Jesus THE Anointed of God! He knew that if anyone could help him it would be Jesus!

He could not let this opportunity pass him by! He had to get Jesus’ attention! So he began to shout at the top of his voice: “Son of David, Jesus, have mercy on me! ”

What do you do to get God’s attention?

How desperate are you to be set free from the things that keep you bound?

Cry out to God in desperation! Cry out to God in faith! Don’t let your situation or the crowd around you keep you from seeking with all your heart what you truly desire!

Seek God where He can be found!

Prayer: Father God, I can find you easily! I just have to pray to You through Jesus Christ and You will hear me. As one who doesn’t know You I cry out: “Save Me Lord!” I know You hear me and I know You will save me.

As one who knows You, I cry out: “deliver me and heal me Lord!” I know that You will because You have already made the provisions.

Through You Jesus, I am saved, healed and, delivered! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Amen!

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