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A Beggar’s Conversation With Jesus Part 1

By Andrew Williams – June 26, 2022

A Beggar’s Conversation With Jesus Part 1

They came to Jericho. And as He was leaving Jericho with His disciples and a large crowd, Bartimaeus (the son of Timaeus), a blind beggar, was sitting by the road.
Mark 10:46 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

Have you ever felt lost, alone and unable to cope with life?

Do you think the world is passing you by and you are unable to function in it because of the deficiencies that you have?

Are you just sitting there waiting for the scraps and the donations of others who seem to be living life better than you?

Have you heard that God is able to help you in your situation but you don’t experience His help, or even find yourself in a position to ask Him for help?

Sometimes it seems as if those who call themselves Christian are just walking along with God and enjoying His company but you are left out. In this conversation we will see a man who could have been feeling like this. The stage is set: the Son of God is walking by with His entourage and the crowd, and the blind beggar is along the path they are walking.

What will this encounter bring?

What will your encounter with God bring? Will you just let Him pass you by, or will you use this opportunity to speak to Him, listen to Him, and come into relationship and fellowship with Him?

Prayer: Father God, I’ve been wanting to meet with You for a long time. I have let my situation, my feelings, my emotions, and my decisions keep me from coming into Your presence.

I now have the opportunity to meet with You, and I will use it to get to know You and to live for You. I don’t know what You will say to me, but I am willing and ready to hear from You and to obey You, through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen

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