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Service to God, Man’s True Purpose

March 21, 2021
love, knowing, presence

By Vanessa Rose – March 21, 2021

Scripture :” Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecclesiastes 12:13 KJV

Insight : We often go about our lives searching for our purpose. What are we meant to do in this life? Many people believe it is a career, living in a particular place, or service to a particular organization that is their purpose or duty. But here the scripture simply says fearing (to respect and submit to his will) and observing God’s commands is the WHOLE duty of man. This means that when we give our lives to God we are living in purpose daily, we have found and are fulfilling our purpose.

Prayer : God I thank you that my purpose is not tied to earthly things but is found only in You. I pray Lord that I will be set free from the things that hold me captive so I may fulfill my purpose. Amen

Have a great day

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