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July 25, 2021
persistence, courage, achievement-995124.jpg

By Andrew Williams – July 25,2021

“Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7 HCSB

Good morning fellow disciples.

What is your approach to life when you come up on opposition or obstacles? How do you deal with situations where it takes persistence to get the proper response? Do you give up, or do you stay on the path until you get what you desire ?

Three times in this verse we are told to keep on doing something. What does it mean to “keep”?

Keep: to continue usually without interruption; to persist in a practice or; to persist in doing or concerning oneself with.

Jesus told us to continue asking, to persist in searching and to concern ourselves with knocking on the door. When we “keep on” doing these things we will get the expected results. Let us be persistent especially when we approach God. Let us not give up because we don’t get a prompt response at times.

Prayer : Father God I will keep on asking, seeking, and knocking until You respond. I will never give up because I know that You have great things stored up for me. As I continue to keep on doing what is required, help me to know You more, understand You more, worship You more, fellowship with You more so that I will be prepared to receive what You will give to me, and to use it to advance Your kingdom and to bless others. This I ask in Jesus’ name, amen.

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