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Redirecting Our Focus: Seeking Understanding as a Disciple

January 13, 2025

By Andrew Williams

“Then Peter said to Jesus, ‘Explain to us the parable that says people aren’t defiled by what they eat.’ ‘Don’t you understand yet?’ Jesus asked.” – Matthew 15:15-16 (NLT)

Good morning fellow disciples.

In this passage, Peter demonstrates a key characteristic of a disciple: the willingness to ask questions. Jesus had just taught a profound truth, explaining that it is not what goes into a person that defiles them, but what comes out of their heart. While others may have been hesitant to speak up, Peter, as usual, boldly sought clarity. His question shows his desire to understand Jesus’ teaching, even though it revealed his lack of full comprehension at the time.

Jesus’ response, while corrective, is also patient. He challenges Peter to think more deeply, inviting him to grow in his understanding. This exchange reminds us that discipleship is a process. Even those closest to Jesus, like Peter, needed time and teaching to grasp the deeper truths of God’s Kingdom. Asking questions is not a sign of weakness or failure—it’s a necessary step in growing our faith and redirecting our focus to align with God’s wisdom.

Peter’s question empowers us to embrace humility in our walk with Jesus. It’s okay to admit that we don’t have all the answers. Like Peter, we may sometimes struggle to understand the deeper truths of God’s Word, but Jesus welcomes our questions and uses them to teach us. Peter’s example reminds us that discipleship isn’t about instant perfection—it’s about the willingness to learn, ask, and grow.

This passage challenges us to redirect our focus from pride or fear of asking questions to a posture of curiosity and openness. Jesus doesn’t dismiss our questions; instead, He uses them as opportunities to deepen our faith and understanding. You don’t need to have it all figured out—what matters is your desire to know Him more.

Take time today to reflect on areas of your faith where you feel uncertain or lack understanding. Write down one or two questions you have about Scripture, prayer, or the challenges you’re facing in your faith journey. Bring these questions to Jesus in prayer, asking Him to reveal His truth and give you wisdom. Then, consider speaking with a pastor, mentor, or trusted Christian friend to seek further clarity and insight. Redirect your focus from feeling discouraged about what you don’t know to being encouraged by the opportunity to grow in your relationship with Jesus.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for Your patience with me as I seek to understand Your Word and Your ways. Like Peter, I often have questions and uncertainties, and I confess that sometimes I hesitate to bring them to You. Help me to redirect my focus from my fears or pride to a heart that is eager to learn and grow in faith. Teach me Your truth, Lord, and guide me in understanding the deeper things of Your Kingdom. Give me the courage to ask questions and the humility to receive Your answers. I commit to seeking You daily with a heart open to Your teaching. In Your name, I pray, Amen.

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