By Andrew Williams
“When Simon Peter realized what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, ‘Oh, Lord, please leave me—I’m such a sinful man.’ For he was awestruck by the number of fish they had caught, as were the others with him. His partners, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were also amazed. Jesus replied to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people!’ And as soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus.” – Luke 5:8-11 (NLT)
Good morning fellow disciples
This moment marks a profound turning point in Simon Peter’s life. After witnessing the miraculous catch of fish, Peter is overwhelmed by the power and holiness of Jesus. Falling to his knees, he declares his own unworthiness, recognizing himself as a sinful man in the presence of the Lord. His reaction shows humility and an awareness of his limitations, but it also reveals a heart that is open to Jesus’ transformative power.
Jesus does not rebuke Peter for his confession of sinfulness. Instead, He calls Peter into a greater purpose: “From now on you’ll be fishing for people.” Jesus reassures Peter with the words, “Don’t be afraid,” inviting him to move beyond his feelings of inadequacy and step into the calling to follow Him. This calling was so compelling that Peter and his companions—James and John—left everything behind to follow Jesus.
This passage reminds us that Jesus doesn’t call us because of our qualifications or righteousness. He calls us because He sees who we can become through Him. Peter, the same man who felt unworthy in this moment, would go on to be a bold leader in the early church. Jesus transformed his life and gave him a purpose far greater than Peter could have imagined.
Peter’s story empowers us to see that our shortcomings and failures do not disqualify us from being used by Jesus. In fact, it is often in recognizing our own sinfulness and inadequacy that we become open to His grace and calling. Just as Jesus reassured Peter, He speaks to us today: “Don’t be afraid.” Jesus knows our flaws, yet He calls us to follow Him and trust Him with our lives.
You may feel unworthy or overwhelmed by your past, but Jesus sees beyond that. He sees the potential for you to make an eternal impact, just as Peter did. When we redirect our focus from our own unworthiness to Jesus’ power and purpose, we can step boldly into the calling He has for us.
Take time today to reflect on areas of your life where you feel unworthy or inadequate. Bring these feelings before the Lord in prayer, just as Peter did, and allow His grace to meet you there. Then, ask Jesus to redirect your focus from your inadequacies to His calling on your life. Consider one practical step you can take in obedience to His call—whether it’s serving in your church, reaching out to someone in need, or sharing your faith with a friend. Trust that He will equip and guide you as you follow Him.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for calling me despite my flaws and failures. Like Simon Peter, I recognize my own unworthiness in Your holy presence, yet I am amazed by Your love and grace. Help me to redirect my focus from my shortcomings to Your power and purpose for my life. Give me the courage to follow You wholeheartedly, leaving behind anything that holds me back. Use my life, Lord, to bring others closer to You and to fulfill Your calling for me. I surrender to You today and trust You to lead me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.