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May 18, 2021
teddy, teddy bear, snuggle

By Andrew Williams – May 18, 2021

saying, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” Luke 22:42 ESV

Good morning fellow disciples.

Willing means that someone is “ready, eager, or prepared to do something”. When Jesus was faced with the reality of his impending suffering and the anguish began to set in , He appealed to His God and Father for another way to redeem mankind.

His appeal to God was based on God’s willingness. Was God ready, eager or even PREPARED to choose another way? I believe that He was Not! In his pre-incarnate plans with the Father, Jesus knew what the plan of salvation that they had agreed on was.

Father and Son were willing to redeem mankind by their sacrifice: Jesus sacrificing His life and Father God His union with His son. Jesus was prepared/ready/eager to submit himself to His Father’s will in order to restore fellowship with mankind.

Oh what a joy to be loved so much by God the Father and Son ! Jesus exemplified for us how to live life surrendered and submitted to God, and how to serve God and mankind willingly! Will you also willingly surrender your life to God so that you can live life the way that He desires?

Prayer: Father God, I am willing to wholeheartedly serve You. I am prepared to serve where you send me. I am ready to walk in Jesus’ footsteps. I am eager to preach the gospel to the world, live united with your Holy Spirit, and make disciples who will live according to the Lord Jesus’ teachings, amen.

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